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Hiwet carries the weight of a painful past, one that inflicted a harmful practice forced on her during childhood, and without her consent. Through the agony of childbirth complications suffered due to this archaic tradition, she has emerged as a fierce advocate for change. Today, determined to spare others from a similar fate, Hiwet leads an awareness campaign that seeks to empower girls to reject female genital mutilation. 

“Today, we bear witness to a different reality, yearning for the time when FGM is a relic of the past in Eritrea. No longer will girls endure the agony of genital cutting and subsequent stitching, only to face further torment in marriage and childbirth. We dream of a future where such suffering is a distant memory, where every girl grows up free from the evils of FGM,” she said.


On this International Women's Day, let's champion UNFPA's theme, invest in women, accelerate progress. Achieving gender equality and securing women's well-being is pivotal for building prosperous economies and fostering a healthy planet. Let's also echo the global theme, inspire inclusion. By encouraging understanding and valuing women's inclusion, we contribute to forging a better world for everyone.


Over ten years, the Safeguard Young People Programme has played a pivotal role in nurturing a generation of vibrant youth leaders, unwavering advocates, and influential champions for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. Through compelling stories and testimonials, we delve into the lives of young activists who have been at the forefront of advocating for meaningful policies and initiatives. In partnership with UNFPA, these dynamic individuals have not only shaped their futures but have also contributed to a larger movement aimed at securing a healthier, more inclusive world. Join us as we explore how the programme has catalyzed change, inspired action, and forged strong networks among young people across regions. Witness the power of youth advocacy in action, and see how together, we are building a brighter future for all.


As the sands of time shift, so must our collective conscience. This is Lindiwe's story. Let this transformative journey remind us that every phase of a woman's life is testament to her strength, resilience and dignity.


From the SYP We Will music album, watch Busi by DJ Kaliwa – Zambia.


From the SYP We Will music album, watch Private Party ft. artists from Southern Africa.


Watch these tutorial videos providing guidance on programmes for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and economic empowerment.

Tutorial video 1 provides an introduction. Tutorial video 2 discusses the theory of change. Tutorial video 3 covers how to ensure your programme runs successfully.


Watch this video to find out what the TuneMe app is about and how to use it.


This video targets young people and informs them about the different ages of consent to marriage, sexual activity and access to sexual and reproductive health services, and why they are important.   


This video targets parents, leaders and policymakers, explaining the different ages of consent to marriage, sexual activity and access to SRHR services, and what to take into consideration when working on relevant laws and policies to protect the rights and freedoms of young people.
