Displaced women in Mali listen to midwife Aissata Traore, who is raising awareness on preventing mother-to-child transmission.
Global Affairs Canada has pledged US$7.2 million to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, to respond to severe humanitarian needs in 13 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. The contribution will strengthen UNFPA’s sexual and reproductive health and rights efforts in the region over the next two years.
A group of young women stand in an open field talking.
SOUTHERN PROVINCE, Zambia – “They don’t have any food, and the teenagers can become vulnerable,” said nurse Suvannah Sinakaaba, in the village of Hakankula in Zambia’s Monze District. “HIV rates are quite high among adolescents; some engage in sexual activities with fishermen, because they want [financial] help.”
Sydney Hushie, Regional Innovation Specialist, UNFPA East and Southern Africa.
Something struck me during a virtual event I was leading last week. A young person captured in a few words the essence of why we had gathered together. “As a young innovator, raising funds was a challenge. My resolve was unwavering because I believe in innovation and the power of youth,” said Mack Marangu, Founder of TotoRegister. I am in awe of of young people's ability to peel away jargon.

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