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5 October 2012

Madagascar: tripling contraceptive use in 10 years

MADAGASCAR — Madagascar is a striking success story of how to improve family planning and reproductive health despite facing severe difficulties. The... Read more

3 October 2012

Including men at the forefront of the gender agenda

Gender equality and women’s empowerment have for a long time been seen as women's issues, and it is women who have primarily been at the... Read more

2 October 2012

African campaign against child marriage to be launched

The Multisectoral African Campaign Against Child Marriage is to be launched this week at the Pan-African Parliament during the 2012 Annual African... Read more

2 October 2012

Keep investing in women and the youth, UN urged

UNITED NATIONS, New York — Africa featured prominently at the 67th regular session of the UN General Assembly in late September. Throughout the week... Read more

2 October 2012

“We will hold our governments accountable” - the youth

“We will hold our governments accountable to their commitments to give young people access to sexuality education and youth-friendly services. “We... Read more

2 October 2012

Osotimehin: Every woman, every child

THE launch two days ago (Wednesday) of the report of the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children is a major... Read more

27 September 2012

Strengthening midwifery saves women’s lives

DURBAN — When she retired, a midwife in Somaliland used her retirement benefits to build a hospital where she began training a new cadre of midwives... Read more

25 September 2012

Reaching out to women in rural Zambia

The UN agencies known as the H4+ support priority countries that take concerted actions to meet the Millennium Development Goals on maternal and... Read more

24 September 2012

MDG Week: Finding ways to save millions of mothers' lives

Every day 800 women lose their lives giving birth — 287,000 each year — and the vast majority of these deaths occurs in developing countries.... Read more

20 September 2012

Sexuality education is a right for young people

UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin has reiterated the agency’s commitment to supporting African countries to provide comprehensive... Read more
