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20 June 2012
Press Release

Little progress in meeting demand for contraception

A new study by the Guttmacher Institute and UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, finds that the number of women in developing countries who... Read more

19 June 2012

Sustainability in a world of 9 billion people: all about choices

The world’s population surpassed 7 billion last October and is expected to grow to 9 billion by the middle of this century. The paramount challenge... Read more

13 June 2012

Rwanda develops comprehensive EMTCT of HIV plan

The government of Rwanda has developed a national strategic plan for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV by 2015, in... Read more

8 June 2012

Family planning summit could mark turning point for women

More than 200 million women, largely in the least developed countries, want to use modern family planning methods but can't access them. They... Read more

8 June 2012

Agreement to boost efforts to achieve MDGs in Africa

STELLENBOSCH, South Africa, 8 July 2012 – Efforts to reduce Africa’s high maternal mortality rate are expected to be strengthened by a new co-... Read more

4 June 2012

UNFPA, HHA hold Ministers of Health and Finance Conference

UNFPA and its Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA) partners are to hold a Conference of Ministers of Health and Ministers of Finance in Tunisia... Read more

29 May 2012

South Africa tackles maternal death rate with CARMMA

South Africa's Minister of Health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, demonstrated the country's commitment to improving health in South Africa with the... Read more

28 May 2012
Press Release

Policymakers recommit to Population Conference agenda

ISTANBUL, 25 May 2012 — Lawmakers from 110 countries reaffirmed today their support for the principles and goals of the 1994 Cairo International... Read more

24 May 2012

Tide is turning against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

For centuries, female genital mutilation or cutting has been practiced throughout much of Africa. But dealing as it does with a very intimate subject... Read more

22 May 2012
Press Release

Recommendations to reduce cost of 13 health products

New York, 22 May 2012 — Affordable, life-saving medicines and health supplies with the potential to save millions of lives are not reaching the... Read more
