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Menstrual Health, Education and Skillbuilding
Menstrual Health, Education and Skillbuilding


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UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office and the Africa Coalition on Menstrual Health

Technical Reports and Document

Menstrual Health, Education and Skillbuilding

Publication date

17 March 2025

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Menstruation plays a vital role in the reproductive health of individuals who were assigned female at birth. Despite being a natural and necessary biological process,the relationship between menstrual health and education and skills building is important to understand, as there is evidence to suggest that impediments to good menstrual health can lead to adverse educational consequences such as school absenteeism, reduced in-class participation, as well as stress and anxiety.

This technical brief focuses on the relationship between menstrual health and education and skills building, particularly within the African context. It was commissioned by UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office and the Africa Coalition on Menstrual Health.

The brief aims to provide an up-to-date summary of key evidence related to menstrual health and its impact on education and skills building in Africa. It explores how menstrual health, or the lack thereof, affects educational attainment, including school absenteeism and in-class participation, as well as how the learning environment influences menstrual health. Furthermore, it addresses educational interventions designed to enhance knowledge and skills related to menstrual health.

The information presented in this brief is based on a rapid literature review of academic and grey literature, primarily focusing on the period between 2018 and 2023, with an emphasis on studies and programmes conducted in the African region