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As more and more women, girls, men and boys learn about FGM and its harm, opposition to the practice is growing. In the last two decades, the proportion of girls and women in high-prevalence countries who want the practice to stop has doubled.

Somalia-born Ifrah Ahmed campaigns to end female genital mutilation. Here she describes her fight to end this injustice against women and girls.


Around the world, girls are subjected to child marriage, female genital mutilation and son preference. They are denied their equality and their humanity. We have the tools to end these harmful practices. We have seen solutions that work. What we need now are the investments. And the will.


Dr. Catherine Hamlin, who passed away in March 2020, dedicated most of her  life to treating women and girls with fistula, focusing not only on the physical injury itself, but also on the scars created by stigma and discrimination. Her charitable organization, Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, has brought hope and healing to women and girls, raised global awareness of fistula and spurred innovative efforts to end it.


The community of Itula, located in the lost valley of Shabunda, more than 3000 kilometres from the capital city Kinshasa, is no longer being left behind. It took the community 20 days to clear a section of forest and help create a helipad to deliver emergency reproductive health kits to the once isolated and deprived Itula Hospital. Deployed by UNFPA, the kits could not have come at a better time for Danielle, who gave birth safely that night. Watch the heart-warming story of this young woman and her community.


Watch this touching story of Congolese midwife Estelle Bahati, who commutes for three days and more than 360 kilometres to finally reach Itula on foot, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. With support from UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, she brings hope and improvements to women and girls’ sexual and reproductive health, safe childbirth, family planning and gender-based violence prevention and response.


Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, Regional Director for UNFPA East and Southern Africa, discusses the role of midwives in integrated health services, at the International Conference of Midwives (ICM) Africa Regional Conference in Windhoek, Namibia, from 12-14 September 2019.


Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative to Namibia, discusses the need for quality midwifery care to achieve universal health coverage, at the ICM Africa Regional Conference in Windhoek, Namibia, from 12-14 September 2019.


Watch what happened when the landmark Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 took part in the Kenyan capital on 12-14 November 2019.


Mia, 22, changed the law in Madagascar to allow under 18s access to contraception. Previously, it was illegal, which contributed to a 34% pregnancy rate among teenage girls and severe social stigma. Restless Development worked with Mia to film her story using a mobile phone.


“I love Mother Earth so much! If we keep polluting it, we must know that we do not have Planet B.” On the road to the Nairobi Summit, climate change activist Yola Mgogwana from Earthchild Project explains why she marches for #ClimateAction.
