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This video is a summary of events at the 28th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 22-31 January 2017. The theme was 'Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through investments in Youth'.


The day I was mutilated. The day I became a woman.

End female genital mutilation.


The iAccelerator programme encourages young people to think critically and creatively about issues related to sexual and reproductive health and seeks to generate innovative, youth-led solutions to these issues. Through a consultative process, the following challenge has been identified: Access to quality sexual and reproductive information and services for young people.

The competition was launched on 2 December 2016 and was followed with a series of boot camps, outreach events and a media campaign throughout the country to encourage the youth to apply and benefit from this opportunity. Following a successful campaign, the competition closed on 23 January 2017. A panel of judges and experts reviewed over 231 applications to shortlist a group of 10 innovators. The Top 10 innovators will present their ideas at the pitch event, for a chance to be picked as the final four.

The top 4 innovative solutions will receive a grant of 10,000 USD, and selected innovators will be coached, mentored and trained under the programme.


Africa's population of young people between the ages of 10-24 is estimated at 370 million. By 2070, it is estimated that the continent will have over 1 billion working age youth and over 800 million children. If the right human capital investments are made in Africa's youth, including quality education, decent employment, effective livelihood skills, and access to health, including sexual and reproductive health, then countries across the continent can potentially see an increase in GDP and per capita income. This is known as the demographic dividend, which occurs as fertility and mortality rates start to fall, leading to a larger working age population and huge potential for economic growth. Dr. Julitta Onabanjo talks about the importance of investing in young people, and outlines strategies that countries can employ to reap the demographic dividend and achieve sustainable development.

Dr. Onabanjo is Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), East and Southern Africa. She studied medicine at the University of Zambia, has a Bachelor degree in biology from the University of London and a Master’s of Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr Onabanjo has always had the desire to help people and has a passion for young people and helping them reach their potential and make contributions to their communities. This is clearly reflected in her work to fight child marriage in Africa, and other important programmes administered by UNPFA.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. 


How Ethiopia is progressing with its first digital census.


Dia Mundial da População 2016 é celebrado sob o lema: "Investir nas adolescentes". O video produzido pelo escritório do UNFPA em Angola, narra alguns cenários e desafios enfrentados por esta camada populacional e algumas intervenções feitas por esta Agência das Nações Unidas.


UNFPA Representative for Zambia, Dr. Mary Otieno, discusses the importance of midwives for maternal health, in relation to International Day of the Midwife on 5 May 2016.


Les jeunes conscients que le SIDA fait des ravages dans le monde notamment en Afrique.


Voice of Africa's (VOA) health correspondent Linord Moudou reports on the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s fight to end obstetric fistula. Joining Linord live via Skype from the capital, Kinshasa, is Diéné Keita, United Nations Populations Fund Representative in the DRC.


After a historic decision by the government of Cambodia to establish a national budget line for the procurement of contraceptives, the government plans to fully cover the contraceptive needs for the public sector from 2016 onward. The Cambodia Ministry of Health is partnering with UNFPA to provide a variety of reproductive health supplies worth over $2 million in 2016.
