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African Youth Charter


The African Youth Charter provides a strategic framework for youth empowerment and development activities at the continental, regional and national levels across Africa. It addresses key issues affecting youth, including employment, sustainable livelihoods, education, skills development, health, youth participation, national youth policy, peace and security, law enforcement, youth in the Diaspora and youth with disabilities.


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Annual Report

Cameroon’s 2011 Annual Report, Impact, is a knowledge-sharing platform focusing on concrete results and achievements. Building on last year’s success, this report gives voice to 14-year-old guest editor, Stéphanie Mbida, the ‘Cameroonian Genius’ post-graduate who has met over 20 heads of state. She presents the youth’s views of the challenges and opportunities of a Cameroon of 20 million people in a world of 7 billion.

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Adding It Up: Costs and Benefits of Contraceptive Services


This report presents new 2012 estimates of the numbers and proportions of women in the developing world using modern methods and in need of modern contraception, as well as the cost and impact of meeting this need. 

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Final RHCS CCP Assessment Report


After years of responding to ad hoc requests from countries for technical assistance and supplies, UNFPA developed the GPRHCS in 2008. After 3-5 years of UNFPA’s support for the development and implementation of national strategic plans, the former Sub Regional Office-Johannesburg began undertaking a review of countries’ progress to-date to understand their status and recommend appropriate direction. 

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UNFPA Quarterly Programme Update #1 2002 Eritrea


Maternity waiting homes (MWHs) are a key strategy to bridge the geographical ‘gap’ in accessing obstetric care. As one component of a comprehensive package of essential obstetric services, maternity waiting homes offer a low-cost approach to bringing women closer to needed obstetric care. This quarterly report from Eritrea looks at the extent of MWHs, draws conclusions and makes recommendations.

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Why invest in reproductive health in Cameroon?


Expanding access to quality, affordable reproductive health services for all Cameroonians is critical to make progress in reducing maternal deaths in Cameroon. However, significant challenges often impede such access in the country, the most important among them being a lack of recent evidence-based data on the benefits of investing in reproductive health. 



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Safia, The Consequences of Early Pregnancy


The consequences of early marriage on the girl child are physical, intellectual, psychological, emotional and mental. In addition, early marriage among girls is almost always synonymous with pregnancy, which is the cause of high levels of maternal mortality and premature deliveries, as well as a life of domestic and sexual enslavement in which they have no power. The costs of dealing with the consequences of early marriage are borne by society.  


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Sex Work and HIV in Namibia: Review of the literature and current programmes


Sex workers are recognized in Namibia as a key population at higher risk of HIV and yet to date, only limited and piece-meal information has been available regarding the size of the population, and the challenges they face in accessing health and other social and legal services.ealth (SFH) will complement this review and provide additional evidence to inform policy and programming.

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Providing Choice, Ensuring Services


The East and Southern African (ESA) Region of the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, is host to 18 countries in which the HIV epidemic has been classified by UNAIDS as high burden, severe/hyper-endemic and concentrated endemic with geopolitical relevance. UNFPA is one of 11 co-sponsors of UNAIDS and a contributor to the UNAIDS Joint Programme on HIV, which up until 2011 has been implemented jointly by the co-sponsors of the Joint Programme, based on an agreed Unified Budget and Work plan (UBW).


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Sexuality Education: a 10-country review of school curricula in East and Southern Africa


This regional ten-country curriculum scan was jointly commissioned by UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF for the HIV Prevention Working Group of the Regional AIDS Team in East and Southern Africa (RATESA). The scans were commissioned as part of an inter-agency programme aimed at supporting countries in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region to improve the quality of gender-sensitive, life skills-based sexual and reproductive health education in both in-school and out-of-school settings.


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