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Country Summary Reports – Lesotho

Rapid Review of Healthy Ageing and Long-term Care Systems in East and Southern Africa: Country Summary Report – Lesotho


This report provides an overview of population ageing and health trends in Lesotho, and assesses the readiness and responsiveness of health, social welfare and long-term care systems to ageing and the needs of older people in the country. It assesses the state of frameworks and structures in place to support healthy ageing and provides a set of recommendations to inform policy development and strategic interventions going forward.

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Country Summary Reports – Mauritius

Rapid Review of Healthy Ageing and Long-term Care Systems in East and Southern Africa: Country Summary Report – Mauritius


This report provides an overview of population ageing and health trends in Mauritius, and assesses the readiness and responsiveness of health, social welfare and long-term care systems to ageing and the needs of older people in the country. It assesses the state of frameworks and structures in place to support healthy ageing and provides a set of recommendations to inform policy development and strategic interventions going forward.

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Country Summary Reports – Rwanda

Rapid Review of Healthy Ageing and Long-term Care Systems in East and Southern Africa: Country Summary Report – Rwanda


This report provides an overview of population ageing and health trends in Rwanda, and assesses the readiness and responsiveness of health, social welfare and long-term care systems to ageing and the needs of older people in the country. It assesses the state of frameworks and structures in place to support healthy ageing and provides a set of recommendations to inform policy development and strategic interventions going forward.

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Country Summary Reports – South Africa

Rapid Review of Healthy Ageing and Long-term Care Systems in East and Southern Africa: Country Summary Report – South Africa


This report provides an overview of population ageing and health trends in South Africa, and assesses the readiness and responsiveness of health, social welfare and long-term care systems to ageing and the needs of older people in the country. It assesses the state of frameworks and structures in place to support healthy ageing and provides a set of recommendations to inform policy development and strategic interventions going forward.

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Delivering and Sustaining in the New Normal

Delivering and Sustaining in the New Normal

Annual Report

This report highlights achievements made in 2021 and the overall performance analysis of Phase III (2018 – 2021). It outlines the challenges and opportunities in the efforts led by UNFPA and UNICEF to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) and showcases the programme’s commitment to shifting approaches and creating positive impacts.

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Spotlight Initiative cover

Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Programme Annual Narrative Progress Report 2021

Annual Report

The Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Programme is a global partnership between the United Nations, the European Union and the African Union with a continental scope that enhances a regional approach to end violence against women and girls, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, as well as strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights. This report provides an overview of the progress, achievements, challenges and lessons of the regional programme in 2021, as well as results built on progress made in 2020.

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FGM in cross-border communities

Female Genital Mutilation Among Cross-Border Communities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda


The objective of this study was to assess the status of FGM in the cross-border areas in order to finalize the regional End Cross-border Female Genital Mutilation Action Plan. The results indicate that there is great need to harmonize legislation to allow cross-border collaboration on anti-FGM activities and to empower women and girls to make independent decisions that will change the trends in FGM in the focus communities.

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Costed Regional Action Plan to End Cross-Border Female Genital Mutilation

Costed Regional Action Plan to End Cross-Border Female Genital Mutilation


This regional action plan provides a broad framework for the regional level to assist governments in accelerating the implementation of existing international, regional and national commitments on ending FGM.

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FGM in cross-border communities

Female Genital Mutilation Among Cross-Border Communities - Summary


A study set out to investigate the factors affecting the prevalence of the practice among cross-border communities in East Africa and the Horn of Africa and the extent to which people cross borders to practise or undergo FGM and the effects of the practice on the women and girls in those communities. This report summarises the findings.

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Policy brief on cross-border FGM in East Africa

Cross-Border Female Genital Mutilation in East Africa


This policy brief highlights the cross-border dimension of FGM (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda) in the East Africa region. The brief describes the factors that perpetuate cross-border FGM and the work that is being done to reduce the rates.

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