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International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

calendar_today 23 May 2013


This day marks the very first International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, which was designated by the UN General Assembly in December 2012. The year 2013 also marks the tenth Anniversary of the Campaign to End Fistula, launched by UNFPA and its partners. This day will be used to reflect on the progress made over the last decade and raise awareness and generate new political and financial support to accelerate the efforts to address this severely neglected health and human rights tragedy. 


Everyday almost 800 women die from pregnancy-related complications. Almost half of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. For every woman that dies, 20 or more are injured or disabled. One of the most serious injuries of childbearing is obstetric fistula, which is caused by prolonged or obstructed labour in the absence of adequate emergency obstetric care.

A fistula is a hole in the birth canal created by prolonged pressure of the baby’s head against the pelvis. A woman with a fistula will continue to leak urine and/or faeces uncontrollably for the rest of her life - unless she is repaired by a trained health care provider. The consequence of this injury often includes ostracism and exclusion. Some women are even abandoned by their husbands and excluded from basic interactions with their families and communities, such as prayer and social gatherings. Moreover, their social isolation makes it extremely difficult to maintain a source of income or support, worsening their poverty and magnifying their suffering.

Obstetric fistula has virtually been eliminated in industrialized nations, but in the developing world it is estimated that 2-3 million women and girls are living with the condition and more than 50,000 new case develop each year. However, obstetric fistula is preventable and, in most cases, can be surgically repaired.

  • Three hour radio programme broadcast on prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula
25 May National
  •  Official launch ceremony opening by the First Lady, which will include testimonies from fistula clients, who will provide information on fistula and treatment availability
Democratic Republic of Congo    
  •  Point de presse sur la Fistule Obstétricale    
  Kinshasa, Goma, Bukavu, Lubumbashi et Bandundu
  • Lancement de la Journée par le Ministre de la Santé     
  • Sensibilisation de journalistes sur la Fistule Obstétricale   
  Goma, Lubumbashi et Bandundu
  • Soirée de plaidoyer animée par une artiste femme pour mobiliser les fonds de ressources en faveur de femmes porteuses de fistules  
  • Sensibilisation de sages-femmes sur la prévention de la Fistule Obstétricale et la campagne de réparation de la Fistule Obstétricale 
  Kinshasa et Goma
  • Sensibilisation des étudiants des écoles de sages-femmes sur la prévention de la Fistule Obstétricale avec témoignage d’une femme guérie de la fistule   
  • Journée de plaidoyer avec les autorités politiques (Parlement et Gouvernement local), religieuses, traditionnelles avec témoignage d’une femme guérie de la fistule.
  •  Organiser une caravane motorisée   
  • Conférence sur la fistule animée par la Faculté de Médecine
  • Organiser les campagnes de sensibilisation sur la réduction de risque de morbidité maternelle et sur les principales causes de la FO
  Dans les zones de Santé de Goma
  • Third Annual Fistula Survivors' Celebration
14 May Mendefara Hospital
  • Radio spots by the UNFPA goodwill Ambassador, Meseret Defar, to be aired
23 and 25 May National
  • TV spot to be aired 23 and 24 May 2013
23 and 24 May National
  • Mobile van campaign to disseminate massages in different district in collaboration with IFHP Amhara coordination office
23 May- 7 June North Gondar zone
  •  Official launch ceremony including appliance/furniture handover ceremony courtesy of UNFPA and visit to the national training centre
7 June Gondar University Fistula Centre
  • National and regional Media Campaign
14-23 May   
  • Obstetric Fistula Repair Camp
20-25 May Moi Refferal Hospital, Eldoret 
  • Official launch ceremony presided by the MOH with county level government, AMREF and UNFPA
23 May Eldoret
  •  Presentation on fistula in local language focusing on health personnel and occurrence due of iatrogenic fistula due to prolonged labour in the facility
  • TV and radio broadcast of a panel discussion on fistula with a midwife, doctor, fistula survivor and a relative of a person who is suffering from fistula, to raise community awareness
23 May National
  • Workshop on partograph use in facilities that do deliveries
25 May National
  • Regional fistula case identification and registration event
25- 31 May Regional
  • Official launch ceremony presided over by the MOH with remarks by member of parliament, a hospital director and Minister of Fistula
23 May  
  •  Parade to a site of fistula repair camp
23 May  
  •  Obstetric Fistula Repair Camp
  • Petit déjeuner de presse avec témoignage d’une ancienne femme porteuse de fistule guérie et un chirurgien présidé par le ministère de la santé va présenter ce qui se fait en matière d'éradication des fistules (CF invitation) et qui va se passer dans la capitale Antananarivo
 23 mai Antananarivo
  • Célébrer la journée dans trois autres localités où l'incidence de la pathologie est assez élevée
23 mai Région de Sofia, Région Atsimo Andrefana et Région Vatovavy Fitovinany
  • Official International Day to End Obstetric Fistula Celebration
23 May Novotel Hotel, Kigali
  • National Television and Radio Media campaign
20-23 May National
  •  Screening of UNFPA supported documentary on Fistula Survivors
23 May Novotel Hotel, Kigali
South Africa    
  •  Radio talk show on fistula prevention
23 May Lotus FMKwazulu Natal
South Sudan    
  •  Press conference: MOH officials and UNFPA
23 May Ministry of Health, Juba 
  • Radio panel discussions - participants to include MOH, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Gender, AMREF, UNICEF, WHO, JTH (Dr. Merghani)
15 May and 21 May National
  • Television talk show
23 May National
  •  Global Webinar: Good Practices in Fistula Programming - using mobile technology to reach patients in rural areas in Tanzania in collaboration with CCBRT. Dr. Rutasha Dadi
14 May UNFPA website (recording available)
  • Facilitation of experts on national TV and radio talk shows
20-22 May  
  • Official International Day to End Obstetric Fistula Celebration organized by CCBRT and Vodaphone Foundation, with remarks from the President of Tanzania. UNFPA country representative will open the event
23 May  
  • Screening of UNFPA supported documentary on Fistula Survivors
23 May  
  • Obstetric Fistula Repair Camps
20-26 May All Regional Referral Hospitals
  • Radio/TV talk shows at local and National level for the week of 20th May on maternal and child health with emphasis on ending obstetric fistula
20-26 May Local and National Level
  •  Charity walk in a district, organised by a local hospital hosting the fistula camp involving fistula survivors and the community
23 May  
  • Official launch ceremony presided by the Hon. MOH
23 May  
  • Seminar with the youth on CBS radio on reproductive health/maternal health
  • Film shows on obstetric fistula in the community using MOH film van to create awareness
  • Press conference by the UNFPA country representative and Minister of Health
  • Annual Safe Motherhood week. Theme: Obstetric Fistula Prevention through Family Planning. Activities include: outreach services for family planning, FANC, postnatal, fistula prevention sensitization to communities, especially on issues related to end child marriages
19-25 May National
  •  Official launch of Safe Motherhood week activities by the Minister of Community Development Mother and Child Health; officiated by the Republic's First Lady
22 May Chipata ,Eastern Province
  • Obstetric Fistula Repair Camps
  Chipata General HospitalMansa General Hospital
  • National radio broadcast of a documentary on prevention of Obstetric Fistula and services available across the country