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Each person counts


Each person counts

calendar_today 31 December 2013

Dear colleagues of the Africa Region,

As we bid goodbye to 2012 and welcome 2013, may I share the message below with you.

Potentials of Africa

Whilst one can dwell on many of the obstacles to progress in Africa, there are numerous positive trends that inexorably lead to positive changes in the continent. In 2012, improved governance continues to yield macro-economic growth and a better social sector, including in health, albeit for yet too few people.

Whatever conclusions we draw from comparing the negatives and positives above, there is universal agreement that Africa remains a continent with huge potentials for growth and progress. But a sleeping giant is useless unless it wakes up and acts – realizing its potentials and with urgency. This is the clarion call to Africa today. Fortunately, some of the best conditions ever for progress are present in the continent today.

What we do

In our space and privileged positions as staff of UNFPA and the UN system, let us play a significant role in alerting leaders and organizations to the potentials of the continent whilst pointing out the weaknesses that must be overcome. The Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA) provides a convincing entry point to cover several issues of female dis-empowerment, infant mortality and morbidity, and unacceptably poor social and living conditions of families and societies. On 27 January 2013 in Addis Ababa, the summit of heads  of state and government of the African Union will become centre stage for a high level event to reaffirm CARMMA and intensify its actions and reporting arrangements. Population census and other demographic and health surveys can serve as valuable sources of data and information for improved urbanization, services and infrastructural enhancement. As a key organization on the right to sexual and reproductive health, on population census and data, on gender and young people, we can make an impact regarding directions of countries and the continent.


I take this opportunity to thank all colleagues for their contributions to UNFPA and to Africa’s development. Through your hard work and devotion in 2012, the organization has made great strides. Through your valuable commitment and focus, UNFPA can continue to make a difference in peoples' lives. Let us use our positions and employment to make Africa better, great.

New thoughts for better directions

Every new day heralds prospects of new directions. New hours can reveal thoughts which can serve as building blocks of foundations for stronger beams. 2013 offers the future as an option. But it is only an option – to use or not.  

I urge you to act now and in the future, in your professional or personal life. We need to make a socially positive impact.


In conclusion, I want to dedicate my special message to our colleagues who passed away in 2012. We miss their valuable contributions and collegiality, and their families even miss them more. May their souls rest in peace. 

With best wishes to all for 2013 and always,

Bunmi Makinwa 

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