As I assumed my Regional Director role in UNFPA East and Southern Africa, I am marching steadfastly with you in creating a better world for women and young people. This newsletter is a microcosm of the thousands of hours our colleagues and partners dedicated to ending unintended pregnancies, and promoting comprehensive sexuality education and responsive sexual reproductive health and rights services in the region.
This newsletter also showcases the growing urgency of a changing world. We are standing at the precipice of reaching a population of 8 billion, a milestone expected in mid-November. We look at this historical point as perhaps the coming of a new era of greater challenges but also a seminal moment for a new world with boundless possibilities.
I am humbly rejoicing in our collective efforts where more people are going to school and living healthier lives than at any previous point in history. In Africa, for instance, deaths of infants and maternal deaths declined considerably between 2000 and 2020. This is a feat to be proud of. And we are looking for more ways to ensure that each young person in this region is looking at a future of infinite and equal opportunities.
This edition also showcases the ongoing work of our tireless colleagues and partners in countries to empower women and young people with the celebration of International Youth Day, World Humanitarian Day and World Population Day. One-day celebrations but grand collective reflections on how we are working on creating a better world.
To view these stories and more, click here.
With gratitude,
Ms Lydia Zigomo
Regional Director
UNFPA East and Southern Africa