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Restoring the dignity of women and girls affected by conflict across northern Ethiopia


Restoring the dignity of women and girls affected by conflict across northern Ethiopia

calendar_today 18 July 2022

Dignity kit distribution by the Organization for Social Services, Health, and Development, UNFPA and UNDP, at Sabacare 4 camp.
Dignity kit distribution by the Organization for Social Services, Health, and Development (OSSHD), UNFPA and UNDP, at Sabacare 4 camp on the outskirts of Mekelle, Tigray. © UNFPA Ethiopia/Paula Seijo

MEKELLE, Tigray  “I couldn’t go out of my tent during my period as I didn’t have other clothes to change into. The dignity kit has helped restore my mobility and dignity, and also prevented my baby from getting scabies,” says Tiemti Adugna, a 24-year-old mother of two, at Sabacare 4, a camp for internally displaced people on the outskirts of Mekelle, Tigray. 

During the conflict, Tiemti was forced to leave her home with only the clothes on her back. Overwhelmed by financial constraints, she often struggles to obtain essential items to cater for her basic needs, including soap, menstrual hygiene supplies, and basic clothing items, which are needed to maintain her personal health and dignity.  

When you don’t have any income, something as natural as one’s menstrual period becomes a hassle.

Tiemti Adugna with her dignity kit, at Sabacare 4 camp for internally displaced persons, on the outskirts of Mekelle, Tigray. © UNFPA Ethiopia/Paula Seijo

“I can’t afford to buy pads or soap. I can hardly provide daily food for my two kids. When you don’t have any income, something as natural as one’s menstrual period becomes a hassle. Every income I get goes to feed my family,” she says. 

Across northern Ethiopia, 9.4 million people are in need of humanitarian aid across the three conflict-affected regions. Among those internally displaced, more than half are women and girls of reproductive age, and their needs are high for health and hygiene products, and protection from gender-based violence. 

The basic needs of every woman

In crisis situations, maintaining proper hygiene is a common problem in displaced communities. Forced to live in overcrowded rooms shared by many families and with limited access to water facilities and hygiene products, women and girls endure monthly ordeals during their periods.

I didn’t know where to put my clothes to dry while hiding them from other members of the community.

“I didn’t know where to put my clothes to dry while hiding them from other members of the community,” says Mulu Migbel, 17, when asked about her menstrual health management at the camp. 

“There is no soap or shampoo, even water is scarce. Many kids have developed scabies and other skin problems as a result of this. It’s complicated to stay healthy,” says Tiemti. 

In Amhara and Afar, personal hygiene products were particularly challenging to access, due to the expansion of the conflict and its movement restrictions, including the provision of much-needed assistance by partners.  

“As a person living with a disability, I have encountered many challenges in trying to access dignity products for my personal hygiene,” says Fatoumata Mehari, affected by the conflict in the Afar region. She received a dignity kit. “I was not able to move anywhere. We were isolated. Some materials were a luxury amid the crisis.” 

More than a Dignity Kit

Across northern Ethiopia, months of conflict have caused a shortage of hygiene supplies, with widespread health consequences. Amid growing needs, more than 17,500 dignity kits have been sent to improve the situation of women and girls across the Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions. 

The dignity kits offer basic hygiene necessities like soap, detergent bars, and menstrual hygiene supplies such as sanitary napkins and basic clothing for women and girls. They include a whistle and torch to reduce the risk of sexual assault or abuse at night, at the camps for the displaced.  

They are also a vital opportunity for UNFPA staff and partners to meet displaced women, assess their physical and psychosocial well-being, and raise awareness of the reproductive health and gender-based violence services being made available. 

Dignity kit distributions go hand in hand with orientation sessions on the various types of violence against women, and where to get help if need help.

“Dignity kit distributions go hand in hand with orientation sessions on the various types of violence against women, and where to get help if need help. They provide critical information and are an entry point for further services,” explains Fathema Sultana, UNFPA GBV Specialist in Tigray. 

These sessions are conducted regularly in Women and Girl's Safe Spaces at the internally displaced persons (IDP) sites and facilitated by trained community outreach personnel. 

“The dignity kit and the awareness session help displaced women and girls to access critical information about their rights, and create a peer-to-peer support network within the camp against gender-based violence. This shared space and knowledge gives them the strength to uplift their voices against any threat, harm or violence,” explains Yirga Gebreegzahiher, Regional Manager of the Organization for Social Services, Health, and Development (OSSHD), UNFPA's partner in the region, and in charge of the distribution of kits in Mayweiny IDP camp in Mekelle. 

Restoring dignity as ‘One UN’

To respond to women and girls' needs, UNFPA in partnership with UNDP distributed more than 17,500 dignity kits to help those displaced regain their dignity and a semblance of normalcy amid the crisis in northern Ethiopia. 

“On this project, we worked with our sister agency, UNFPA, to deliver coherent, effective, efficient and much-needed support to conflict-affected women and girls in northern Ethiopia, helping them to reclaim their dignity through access to essential supplies, and maintain proper hygiene, even in adverse conditions,” says Dr. Cleophas Torori, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative.  

UNFPA and UNDP have combined their strengths to protect women and girls from potential hygiene and health problems, and improve their psychosocial and physical well-being after months of conflict. 

"We worked together with UNDP and OSSHD, joining forces to help displaced women restore their dignity during these difficult times," says Bruno Husquinet, UNFPA Head of Sub-Office in Tigray. 

 “I am grateful. Thanks to the dignity kit, I can live freely and healthily. I can protect myself and my children from health problems,” says Tiemti.