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Mapping of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Economic Empowerment Programmes for Adolescents and Young People
Mapping of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Economic Empowerment Programmes for Adolescents and Young People



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Mapping of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Economic Empowerment Programmes for Adolescents and Young People

Publication date

01 June 2020

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East and Southern Africa is experiencing the largest ever cohort of young people, with over 32% of their populations between the ages of 10-24, the majority of whom are in the youngest age bracket (10-14) . To harness the potential of the demographic dividend, UNFPA advocates for national investments in the three “E’s” of its demographic- dividend policy framework, namely young people’s empowerment, education and employment.

UNFPA ESARO mandated a systematic mapping of documented, existing initiatives and programmes that integrated sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in economic empowerment and/or asset-building and/or entrepreneurship frameworks/ programmes for young people.

This mandate is taking place in the context of the Global Initiative on Decent Work for Young People led by a worldwide alliance committed to creating quality jobs for young people. The objective of the initiative is to scale up action and impact on youth employment in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It offers a platform to catalyse partnerships, collaboration and coordinated action grounded in evidence-based strategies.
