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 Promoting the SADC Model Law through Parliamentary Action
 Promoting the SADC Model Law through Parliamentary Action


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Promoting the SADC Model Law through Parliamentary Action

Publication date

01 February 2021

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The legal office is buzzing with excitement today as Bahati and Fanaka prepare to televise Honourable Dalia Cumbe’s speech to her fellow parliamentarians about child marriage on International Day of the Girl. Honourable Cumbe has been working hard to petition against child marriage in parliament by using the SADC Model law to ensure that girls like Chisisi are able to live their dreams and fulfill their potential.

The SADC Model Law provides a guidance for law-makers, policy-makers, civil society and youth across the SADC region to ensure that the national legislation reflect the commitments of SADC member states to end child marriage. As an advocacy and awareness tool on ending child marriage, and to enhance the understanding of the SADC Model Law, UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) in partnership with UNICEF ESARO, Girls Not Brides and SADC-PF, have produced a regional animated video and comic book series entitled Wait to Wed.
