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Stories of Change
Stories of Change



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Stories of Change

Publication date

01 April 2015

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Programmes for adolescents and young people tend to be relatively small in scale and they are often not harmonised to a larger theme that would allow for scale up. With $2 million in support from the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, UNFPA in East and Southern Africa has
implemented the Catalysing Change on Family Planning in East Africa project in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

The project has significantly increased the uptake by young people of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, especially contraceptives. In 2013, more than 30,000 young people were reached with SRH information. More than 15,000 youth (aged 15 – 24 years) accessed integrated services through outreach interventions. In addition, more than 8,000 youth were reached with integrated SRH information and 360 young people were trained as peer educators, who contributed to the implementation of the project. The three countries have developed SRH advocacy and information minimum packages, which provide theory-based and age-specific information.

This report is a collation of stories from some of the service providers, peer educators and the people who benefit from the Catalysing Change on Family Planning in East Africa project. The report highlights the life-changing effects that the project has had for adolescents and young people.



01 January 2012

African Youth Charter
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