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Elevating Rights and Choices for All


Elevating Rights and Choices for All: Guidance Note for Applying a Human Rights Based Approach to Programming provides a road map for institutionalizing a human rights-based approach in the work of UNFPA. 

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Harmonization of The Legal Environment on Adolescent Sexual And Reproductive Health in East and Southern Africa

Technical Reports and Document

In 2015, UNFPA ESARO commissioned a study on the Harmonization of the Legal Environment on Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR). The study assessed the laws and policies that affect ASRHR in 23 East and Southern African (ESA) countries, and was updated in 2019.

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Technical Brief: Harmonization of Minimum Ages and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Technical Reports and Document

This technical brief provides an overview of age of consent when it comes to sex, marriage, and access to sexual and reproductive health services in East and Southern Africa (ESA). In particular, this technical brief will explain why harmonization of ages of consent to sex, to health services and to marriage means setting different ages of consent.

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Criminalization of Consensual Sexual Acts Among Adolescents in East and Southern Africa

Technical Reports and Document

The criminalization of consensual sexual activity of adolescents takes different forms in East and Southern Africa (ESA). Some countries criminalize defilement, which can be a consensual act, and this can result in the criminalization of adolescents and young people.

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UNFPA in 2019

Annual Report

UNFPA has set out to achieve three world-changing results by 2030: Zero unmet need for family planning, zero preventable maternal death, and zero gender-based violence, including harmful practices. This snapshot of progress in 2019 gives a view of the organization’s work before the impacts of the pandemic were felt, underlining what can be achieved with global solidarity and resolve.

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A Guidance Note on Alternative Rites of Passage and Cultural Practices for Adolescents and Young People in East and Southern Africa


This guidance note describes the dominant adolescent rites of passage and initiation ceremonies in four countries in the Southern African region - Malawi, Eswatini, South Africa and Zambia . UNFPA-ESARO chose to focus on these four countries because they are implementing countries of the Safeguard Young People Programme (SYP).

UNFPA-ESARO’s goal in this guidance document is to raise additional awareness about those practices that are limiting young people’s potential and, in some cases, harming them physically, socially and emotionally.

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Against My Will

State of World Population Report

Every day, hundreds of thousands of girls around the world are subjected to practices that harm them physically or psychologically, or both, with the full knowledge and consent of their families, friends and communities.

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Young people.

Mapping of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Economic Empowerment Programmes for Adolescents and Young People


UNFPA ESARO mandated a systematic mapping of documented, existing initiatives and programmes that integrated sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in economic empowerment and/or asset-building and/or entrepreneurship frameworks/ programmes for young people.

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Implications of COVID-19 for Older Persons: Responding to the Pandemic

Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA focuses on human rights, health and protection of older persons in light of COVID-19, and this document highlights relevant initiatives underway in offices worldwide. It underscores UNFPA’s role in supporting the UN COVID-19 response at the country level, under the leadership of the United Nations Resident Coordinator system and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Evaluation of Behaviour Change of young people using TuneMe in Southern Africa

Technical Reports and Document

The objective of the evaluation was to understand the users; understand the progress made by individual users towards behaviour change; obtain client feedback/satisfaction, and obtain insights on implementation of the platform.

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