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Best Practices in Operationalising the Demographic Dividend in Eastern and Southern Africa


This report assesses the performance and identifies best practices among ESAR countries in operationalising the DD through the translation of demographic intelligence into national development plans, visions and decision making to harness the DD. The assessment employed multiple qualitative approaches including; review of policies and development plans, administration of a survey to UNFPA Population and Development (P&D) advisors and in-depth interviews with various stakeholders in 9 selected ESAR countries.

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Programmatic Guidance on Integrating Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Economic Empowerment of Young People


The purpose of this guidance document is to support national and subnational stakeholders with evidence-based programmatic guidance to design and implement effective programmes integrating ASRHR and economic empowerment interventions for adolescent and young people.

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Summary - A Guide to Sustainable Condom Programming in an Evolving Social Marketing Landscape in East and Southern Africa


This is a summary of the guide intended to assist UNFPA regional and country teams in mitigating the impact of international SMOs transitions. It seeks to assist governments and development partners to plan for seamless funding transitions and avoid reversals of gains in condom programming.

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A Guide to Sustainable Condom Programming in an Evolving Social Marketing Landscape in East and Southern Africa


This guide is intended to assist UNFPA regional and country teams in mitigating the impact of international SMOs transitions. The guide also seeks to assist governments and development partners to plan for seamless funding transitions and avoid reversals of gains in condom programming.

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A Rapid Scoping Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sex Worker Programmes in East and Southern Africa


This report investigates the impact of COVID-19 on sex worker communities and sex worker organizations in East and Southern Africa. It considers both the successes and the failures in the response and identifies positive practices based on how sex worker organizations have responded. The report also considers lessons learned from this and previous humanitarian crises that have affected sex workers, and provides recommendations to ensure that sex workers are not left behind as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves or in future humanitarian crises.

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Respectful Maternity Care

Respectful Maternity Care


The prevalence of disrespect and abuse during labour and childbirth is well documented in low- and middle-income countries. As well as violating women’s rights, this presents a barrier to accessing intrapartum care services. Various different types of disrespect and abuse have been identified, the most common being verbal abuse and neglect/abandonment.

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2gether4SRHR 2020 Annual Narrative Report

Annual Report

2gether4SRHR is a joint United Nations regional programme that combines the efforts of UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people in Eastern and Southern Africa, particularly adolescent girls, young people, and key populations. The Programme aims to fast-track the attainment of the 2030 targets of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, improve the health and well-being for all at all ages, and SDG 5, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

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2gether4SRHR Mid-Term Review Report: 2018-2020


This Mid-term review of the 2gether4SRHR programme offers insights and lessons learned on the effectiveness of programme implementation. Future programme implementation will build upon these insights, address the opportunities and gaps identified during the MTR, and continue documenting and amplifying lessons learned.

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Menstrual Health in East and Southern Africa


This rapid review was commissioned to take stock and document progress made since the 2018 East and Southern Africa Menstrual Health Management Symposium, including at country level, and with the additional purpose of assessing and documenting the impact of the strengthened advocacy through the African Coalition for Menstrual Health Management.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in National Climate Policy


UNFPA, in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, undertook a review and systematic content analysis of SRHR references and related thematic areas in Nationally Determined Contribution documents documents for 50 countries. The review aimed to describe how SRHR is currently represented in NDC and related policy documents to help determine how climate policy can better reflect SRHR.

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