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Demography and COVID-19 in Africa

This report summarises the proceedings of a webinar series that aimed to create a space for sharing a demographic perspective on the impacts of COVID-19 with partners on ...

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UNFPA Cabo Delgado Flash Appeal March 2020

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, has launched a humanitarian appeal for $12 million to urgently provide life-saving sexual and reproductive hea...

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Promoting the SADC Model Law through Parliamentary Action

The legal office is buzzing with excitement today as Bahati and Fanaka prepare to televise Honourable Dalia Cumbe’s speech to her fellow parliamentarians about child marriage...

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What can I do to promote the SADC Model Law?

Bahati and Fanaka have organized a meeting with some elders, traditional leaders, teachers, health care practitioners, parents and children from their community to talk about what ...

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What is the SADC Model Law all about?

Mrs. Mondlane pays a visit to Fanaka at the legal office to get advice on how to prevent her daughter Chisisi from being married off at a young age. ...

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Ending child marriage: How can the law help?

Bahati and Fanaka are young advocates who are working to end child marriage in their community. ...

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Fact Sheet

UNFPA Mozambique Fact Sheet for the Northern Province Humanitarian Crisis

More than a year after Cyclone Kenneth's landfall in May 2019, the humanitarian situation in Cabo Delgado province has deteriorated due to consecutive climatic shocks, public h...

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Technical Reports and Document

Child Marriage in COVID-19 contexts: Disruptions, Alternative Approaches and Building Programme Resilience

COVID-19 has upended the lives of children and families across the globe and adversely affected programmes to end child marriage. The pandemic is having a devastating effect on fam...

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Elevating Rights and Choices for All

Elevating Rights and Choices for All: Guidance Note for Applying a Human Rights Based Approach to Programming provides a road map for institutionalizing a human rights-based approa...

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