Annual Report
This report presents the findings of the 2010 Kenya Service Provision Assessment (KSPA) Survey, which was implemented by the National Co-ordinating Agency for Population and Develo...
This regional fact sheet accompanies the report Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health and provides a more focused loo...
The 2008 NDHS is a follow up to the 1990, 1999 and 2003 NDHS surveys and provides updated estimates of basic demographic and health indicators covered in the earlier surveys. ...
This 2007 assessment serves as a follow-up to previous assessments to gather information on the national stock status of all contraceptive commodities at the facility level in Nige...
Parliamentarians have come a long way in tackling population issues. Since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo in 1994, they have passed laws...
UNFPA is proposing a new approach to its global and regional programming to respond more effectively to General Assembly resolution 59/250 on the triennial comprehensive policy rev...