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From FGM Traditional Practitioner to Protector: Kibirty's Journey of Change


From FGM Traditional Practitioner to Protector: Kibirty's Journey of Change

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Former FGM traditional practitioner Kibirty stands as a symbol of change in her community. Learning the practice from generations past, she witnessed at first hand the agony endured by circumcized girls, and she vowed to renounce FGM once and for all. Today, she proudly declares her abandonment of FGM, recognizing its detrimental effects on girls' lives. No longer will girls and women suffer pain during urination, sex, childbirth or medical interventions.

“I have vowed to forever abandon the practice. This harmful practice promotes suffering and pain, constituting a serious offense against women. We firmly believe in our government's commitment to abolishing FGM entirely, a stance we wholeheartedly support. While mistakes were made in the past, there is no justification for continuing this deadly tradition. We, as a community, once bore responsibility for the harm inflicted upon our daughters, but now we unanimously denounce and reject this practice,” she said.

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