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Children as young as 11 years old are being forced into marriage in Namibia. Legal drafters from SADC Member States gathered together in Johannesburg recently to approve the draft Model Law on Eradicating Child Marriage and Protecting Children Already in Marriage.

Produced and published by Rinelda Mouton and Gertzon Witbooi, One Africa Television


Cheikh Mc Feat Fayid Ngo Yépvo dénonce le mariage précoce avant l'âge légal, l'avortement clandestin et la lutte contre le SIDA.


As we commemorate International Women's Day 2016, UNFPA takes a look at some of the work the Fund is doing across ‎Zimbabwe to advance the rights of ‎women and ‎girls in the areas of ‎Gender Equality and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.


With 546 million people, East and Southern Africa's reproductive health challenges are vast: maternal mortality and morbidity, HIV infection, low contraception use, early marriage, teen pregnancy, gender-based violence and humanitarian crises, underpinned by gender inequality. within this context, UNFPA ESARO works to improve the lives of women, adolescents and youth in 23 countries in the region. Find out more about UNFPA's focus and achievements in this region for 2014-2015.


When fighting broke out in Jonglei State, South Sudan, in December 2013, more than 100,000 people fled across the Nile to Mingkaman, Lake State. Here, UNFPA established a clinic with the support of the Jonglei State Ministry of Health and Bor Hospital. Antenatal care visits and deliveries have increased dramatically as a result, leading to a reduction in maternal and newborn deaths.


Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Director, speaks on the opening day of ICASA 2015 in Zimbabwe.


When you were 15 years old, what was your dream? Listen to Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Director, describing her life at 15.


United Nations: Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director for the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA talks about what role governments and civil society can play in helping people achieve good health and well-being.


Seven countries in Southern Africa are modelling how to deliver integrated SRHR-HIV services in order to improve uptake. This is Zambia's story.

The SRH-HIV Linkages programme aims to link HIV prevention, treatment and care with Sexual Reproductive Health Services. While this may appear logical, it is not the way public health clinics are currently organized in these countries. The programme is about making small subtle changes in health care delivery that have a big impact on the lives of ordinary people. It uses the opportunity to provide comprehensive services to any client who seeks health services at the clinics. If they seek HIV testing, they are also offered family planning, antenatal services, cervical cancer and TB screening, and more.

The results suggest that the project has led to increased uptake of critical HIV and SRH services, such as HIV testing and counselling and ART, as well as family planning commodities and cervical cancer screening. This project was launched in 2011 with funds from the European Union and the Governments of Sweden and Norway, and technical support from UNAIDS and UNFPA.

2015 © UNFPA Samson Mulugeta


Seven countries in Southern Africa are modelling how to deliver integrated SRHR-HIV services in order to improve uptake. This is Malawi's story.

The SRH-HIV Linkages programme aims to link HIV prevention, treatment and care with Sexual Reproductive Health Services. While this may appear logical, it is not the way public health clinics are currently organized in these countries. The programme is about making small subtle changes in health care delivery that have a big impact on the lives of ordinary people. It uses the opportunity to provide comprehensive services to any client who seeks health services at the clinics. If they seek HIV testing, they are also offered family planning, antenatal services, cervical cancer and TB screening, and more.

The results suggest that the project has led to increased uptake of critical HIV and SRH services, such as HIV testing and counselling and ART, as well as family planning commodities and cervical cancer screening. This project was launched in 2011 with funds from the European Union and the Governments of Sweden and Norway, and technical support from UNAIDS and UNFPA.

2015 © UNFPA Samson Mulugeta
