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Menstrual Health in Humanitarian Settings (Triple Nexus)
Menstrual Health in Humanitarian Settings (Triple Nexus)


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UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office and the Africa Coalition on Menstrual Health

Technical Reports and Document

Menstrual Health in Humanitarian Settings (Triple Nexus)

Publication date

17 March 2025

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In refugee camps and settlements, managing menstrual health is challenging due to the lack of affordable menstrual products, clean water, sanitation facilities, health services, menstrual health information, and privacy for maintaining menstrual hygiene.

Humanitarian Settings (Triple Nexus)" is a technical brief focusing on menstrual health challenges in humanitarian settings, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, which hosted 4.7 million refugees in 2021. The brief discusses access to menstrual products, affordability, cultural context, and the need for safe, clean, and private spaces. Key recommendations include ensuring systematic access to menstrual absorbents, improving menstrual literacy, reducing stigma, and enhancing the coherence and coordination of humanitarian responses at both international and national levels.