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Barriers to and motivation for modern contraceptives use in East and Southern Africa


Why is progress in modern contraceptives uptake slower or stagnant in some countries but progressing in others? What facilitates or hampers progress? What can countries learn from each other?

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Total Marketing Approach Studies in 10 ESA Countries


These studies were conducted in 10 countries in order to apply the total market approach principles and methodologies to a range of contraceptives to help design more effective family planning programmes that better meet the contraception needs of all and contribute to universal health coverage. The ultimate aim was to rationalize the provision of family planning services for long-term sustainability.

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Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Young Persons with Disabilities in East and Southern Africa


To develop an evidence-informed regional strategy to increase access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information and services for young people living with dis­abilities (YPWD) in ESA, three complementary pieces of research were conducted.

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Worlds Apart: Reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality

State of World Population Report

In today’s world, gaps in wealth have grown shockingly wide. Billions of people linger at the bottom, denied their human rights and prospects for a better life. Unless we start addressing the structural and multidimensional inequalities within our societies, we will never attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health for all.

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The Right to Access: Regional Strategic Guidance to increase access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Young Persons with Disabilities in East and Southern Africa


This Regional Strategic Guidance is intended to highlight their particular barriers and bring together recommendations to help ensure, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals, that “no one is left behind” in efforts to improve outcomes for young people in the region.

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Assessment of Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Health Service Delivery in the East and Southern Africa Region


A multi-year initiative (2014-2017) to improve and scale up youth-friendly health services and enhance quality of care for young people is being conducted by UNFPA ESARO and the IPPF Africa Regional Office.

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DRC: Evaluation des Besoins en Soins Obstetricaux et Neonatals d’Urgence dans Trois Provinces de la République Démocratique du Congo (2012)


This report outlines the results of a study undertaken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to evaluate EmONC infrastructure in the country.

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Malawi: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend to Accelerate Socio-economic Transformation and Economic Development in Malawi (2016)


This report highlights the results of a study carried out to assess Malawi’s potential for harnessing the demographic dividend and the policy options that are required.

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DRC: 10 ans: Comment cet âge, déterminant chez les filles, conditionne notre avenir en République Démocratique du Congo? (2017)


This report explains and contextualizes the status of 10-year-old girls in the DRC by outlining their current health and educational needs, their presence in the child labour market, and the DRC’s current child protection measures. The report also includes policy and programming recommendations to improve the health and standard of living of 10-year-old girls.

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Botswana: SRHR and HIV Linkages Indicator Baseline Survey Report (2016)


Calls have been made to link sexual and repro­ductive health (SRH) at all levels. This study is a response to this global call. It aims to assist with the formulation of indicators and targets for Botswana’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights (SRHR) and HIV Linkages National Programme.

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