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With humanitarian needs at record levels, UNFPA aid workers around the world make heroic efforts to support women, girls and those with disabilities, often amidst chaos and danger. 

Watch UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd’s call for a worldwide end to violence against humanitarian workers and women and girls.


Learn how training on family planning, provided by Caritas with funding from UNFPA through CERF, the Central Emergency Response Fund, has brought about significant social behaviour change in Fuamba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, contributing to improved living conditions. The number of maternal deaths and malnourished children have significantly decreased in this community.


Gender-based violence services must be part of any humanitarian emergency response.

Jane is working with UNFPA to protect and empower women during the worst drought in 40 years in the Horn of Africa.


Significant strides have been made by the Spotlight Initiative to reduce violence against women and girls, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, and to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and rights in Africa. Find out more.


Charity is one of the UNFPA-supported midwives who is responding to the worst drought in 40 years in the Horn of Africa.

See how we’re protecting the health and rights of millions of women and girls affected by this humanitarian crisis in Kenya.


Amidst the worst drought in 40 years in the Horn of Africa, Mark drives his UNFPA-supported motorcycle ambulance to help women get critical healthcare.

See how we're delivering life-saving support to the millions of women and girls affected by the humanitarian crisis.


Dedan is one of the UNFPA-supported health workers responding to the worst drought in 40 years in Kenya.

See how we’re protecting the health and rights of millions of women and girls affected by this humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa:


"I fled from my home because of lack of security, disaster and drought."

Due to the worst drought in 40 years in the Horn of Africa, women like Rukia, 38, are in urgent need of services in Kenya. See how UNFPA is delivering life-saving support to women and girls affected by this humanitarian crisis:


East and Southern Africa is home to around 633 million people, half of whom are female. That means we are working to ensure the rights and choices for more than 300 million women and girls in 23 countries across the region. About 50 per cent of them are also aged between 10 and 23, so issues that affect the youth are vitally important as well.

At UNFPA, we remain committed to Building Forward Better. Here are just some of the ways that we’ve made a difference in 2022.


Community-based distributors (CBDs) are increasing access to family planning commodities for women in hard-to-reach communities in Zambia, with support from UNFPA and the Government of the United Kingdom. Here, we hear from Jacqueline, a CBD in Central Province, about her work and meet the women she reaches.
