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2gether 4 SRHR is a comprehensive programme funded by the Swedish Government with a focus on improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people in East and Southern Africa, particularly adolescent girls, young people and key populations. It combines the unique strengths and contributions of four United Nations agencies - UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, and WHO. Together, they support the strengthening of SRHR outcomes in 12 countries and two regional economic committees, while fostering the delivering as one UN agenda.


By 2050, there will be twice as many people aged 65+ than children under 5.

See more striking facts and what this means for a world of 8 billion people here.


Discover the 8 demographic trends that will shape the world as the global population continues to grow.

Learn more here.


Climate change is a reality that affects all aspects of our lives. That is why UNFPA, through its flagship Safeguard Young People programme, has designed a first-of-its kind module called Resilient Futures: Young People, Climate Change and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Part of a wider offering on comprehensive sexuality education for young people in and out of school, it helps them learn about the impact of climate change on their rights, health and well-being, and inspires them to take action towards climate justice.

Watch: Climate Change's Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights


Every woman in every part of the world deserves to live without fear, threats and violence. See how UNFPA is taking action to prevent, respond to and address gender-based violence (GBV) in more than 150 countries.


Former Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida is UNFPA's new Regional Champion. Watch how this girl from a village in South Africa has risen to celebrated author and a champion for women and girls' rights.


Former Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida is UNFPA's new Regional Champion. Watch how this girl from a village in South Africa has risen to celebrated author and a champion for women and girls' rights.


8 billion people. That is now the size of our human family.

UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem explains why this is both a milestone for humanity and a moment for reflection.

Learn more here.


A world of 8 billion people is a world of infinite possibilities. See what this milestone for humanity means for both people and the planet:



Momina, a sixth grader in Afar region, Ethiopia, loved learning at school. When relatives on her mother's side asked for her hand in marriage, the family was obliged to agree, even though Momina did not give her consent. Child marriage is against the law in Ethiopia, but cultural practices fly in the face of this. What did Momina do on the day of her wedding?
