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This discussion looks at the status of online violence against women and girls in East and Southern Africa and how to create an inclusive and safe online space for them. With speeches by Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos and UNFPA Deputy Executive Director (Management) Ib Petersen, it was held as part of UNFPA's GBV Disruptor Conversations in commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence for 2021.


People with disabilities have the same sexual and reproductive health needs and rights as people without disabilities. Yet people with disabilities face numerous barriers to access sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services and education and cannot enjoy their SRHR on an equal basis with others.  In addition, growing evidence shows that people with disabilities are more likely to experience health inequalities, have poorer health outcomes including sexual and reproductive health and are more likely to be exposed to violence. The Breaking the Silence (BtS) project has set out to generate more knowledge and data on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of persons with disabilities. It is based at the Gender and Health Research Unit (GHRU) of the SAMRC. This site provides links to key publications from the GHRU and BtS team, information on the BTS flagship project on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (BtS-CSE) and initiatives supported by the BtS team. 


In this video, we learn about HIV treatment adherence from Karabo, who has just done a presentation about living with HIV at school, for which her cousin expresses appreciation. Key points about adherence are relayed in her conversation about the presentation with her older sister (who is also HIV positive), including what adherence means, tools for adhering to HIV treatment, and the benefits of adhering to it.



This one-stop model showcases the integration of HIV and family planning services in Zimbabwe under the #2gether4SRHR programme.


The story of Naomi and Purity, teenage mothers from Kilifi County who have benefitted from a comprehensive sexuality education programme by UNFPA in Kenya which has given them knowledge about contraceptives and enabled them to prevent further unintended pregnancy.


Through the support of the 2gether 4 SRHR programme, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education & Training empower adolescents and young people with knowledge about SRH rights and access quality services, through a project titled IMPACT (Interactive Media Peer Assistance and Coaching for Teens).

All 6 nursing schools in the country implement IMPACT in 12 high schools in 3 districts. The purpose of this project is to improve SRHR/HIV and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) knowledge among high school learners, from schools within the catchment areas of the nursing schools, using innovative electronic/mobile interactive approaches


Le bureau juridique est en effervescence aujourd'hui alors que Bahati et Fanaka se préparent à télédiffuser le discours de l'honorable Dalia Cumbe à ses collègues parlementaires sur le mariage des enfants à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la fille. L'honorable Cumbe a travaillé dur pour déposer une pétition contre le mariage des enfants au parlement en utilisant la loi modèle de la SADC pour garantir que les filles comme Chisisi puissent vivre leurs rêves et réaliser leur potentiel.


Bahati et Fanaka ont organisé une réunion avec des anciens, des chefs traditionnels, des enseignants, des professionnels de la santé, des parents et des enfants de leur communauté pour discuter de ce qu'est le mariage des enfants et de la manière dont il affecte le bien-être des jeunes filles. Les jeunes avocats sont passionnés par la promotion de la loi modèle de la SADC et par l'autonomisation des membres de la communauté à faire plus pour mettre fin au mariage des enfants.


Mme Mondlane rend visite à Fanaka au bureau juridique pour obtenir des conseils sur la façon d'empêcher sa fille, Chisisi, d'être mariée à un jeune âge. Avec Bahati, ils utilisent la loi type de la SADC sur l'éradication du mariage des enfants pour aider Chisisi et d'autres filles qui se trouvent dans une situation similaire.


Bahati et Fanaka sont de jeunes défenseurs qui s'efforcent de mettre fin au mariage des enfants dans leur communauté. Dans cet épisode, nous apprenons comment la loi type de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC) sur l'éradication du mariage des enfants peut les aider, ainsi que d'autres défenseurs, à défendre l'égalité d'accès des filles à l'éducation, à la santé et aux droits.
